Wednesday, 27 July 2016

B.Tech coaching in Delhi

B.Tech coaching in Delhi

We are conducting special classes for distant students those are in Delhi in vacations. We have prepared the following schedule in the category of  B.Tech coaching in Delhi and any new student who is willing to join can attend these classes as demo lecture in the specified time and venue.


Lecture -1 :- Microprocessor 8086

Timings :- Morning 10 AM to 12 PM

Venue:- Tejas Engineers Academy, Subhash Nagar.

Lecture is under the category of B.Tech coaching in Delhi and is provided by expert college Professor.

In this lecture we will cover basic architecture, instructions, and interrupts of Microprocessor 8086.


Lecture-2:- Linear Integrated circuits

Timing:- 10 AM to 12 PM

Lecture is being provided college professor under the category of B.Techcoaching in Delhi for Linar integrated circuits. In this lecture we cover properties of ideal opa amp, virtual ground property, inverting, non inverting amplifier and linear applications of op amp.


We provide B.Tech coaching in Delhi for all major subjects like DSP, Maths, Physics, SS, DCS, NAS, ES, ET etc. You can attend demo class by calling on our number 9999070890. We also offer B.Tech coaching crash courses in Delhi on individual basis for distant students those are here in Delhi for short time. 

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