Sunday, 31 July 2016

B Tech Coaching In Delhi

Final exams for odd semester for current session of B.Tech are coming for students of Engineering throughout Delhi and NCR. Students are preparing for the final exams and time is very less keeping in view of the current festive season. Most of the students are dependent on self study and focusing on preparing notes for subject like, Applied Physics, Chemistry, Manufacturing process etc. Bu real difficulty exists in subject like Applied math’s, Signal system, Electronics etc. Students thus try to find a better B Tech coaching in Delhi for the difficult subjects as these are time consuming in self study. There are backlog students who do not have time for self study for backlog exams because they are busy in preparing for their current subjects. Most of B.Tech coachinginstitutes in Delhi have prepared special batches for crash course to complete the syllabus in less possible time. They have prepared specialized B Techcoaching in Delhi for difficult subjects along with written and printed notes to complete the syllabus in timely manner. If you are an engineering student then Joining an institutes for B Tech coaching in Delhi will be a time saving option. You can join B Tech coaching in Delhi for difficult subject like applied mathematics, applied physics, electrical technology, analog electronics, signal system, microprocessor etc. Time is less, so decide fast to go for B Tech coaching classes in Delhi. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

B.Tech coaching in Delhi

B.Tech coaching in Delhi

We are conducting special classes for distant students those are in Delhi in vacations. We have prepared the following schedule in the category of  B.Tech coaching in Delhi and any new student who is willing to join can attend these classes as demo lecture in the specified time and venue.


Lecture -1 :- Microprocessor 8086

Timings :- Morning 10 AM to 12 PM

Venue:- Tejas Engineers Academy, Subhash Nagar.

Lecture is under the category of B.Tech coaching in Delhi and is provided by expert college Professor.

In this lecture we will cover basic architecture, instructions, and interrupts of Microprocessor 8086.


Lecture-2:- Linear Integrated circuits

Timing:- 10 AM to 12 PM

Lecture is being provided college professor under the category of B.Techcoaching in Delhi for Linar integrated circuits. In this lecture we cover properties of ideal opa amp, virtual ground property, inverting, non inverting amplifier and linear applications of op amp.


We provide B.Tech coaching in Delhi for all major subjects like DSP, Maths, Physics, SS, DCS, NAS, ES, ET etc. You can attend demo class by calling on our number 9999070890. We also offer B.Tech coaching crash courses in Delhi on individual basis for distant students those are here in Delhi for short time. 

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

B.Tech Engineering Tuitions in Delhi

 very special B.Tech coaching in Delhi for Reappear students

Are you working in some company but did not cleared your B.Tech degree yet? Are you finding difficulty in searching top level B.Tech coaching in Delhi and not able to manage time? Dont worry There is an institute which offers expert level B.Tech coaching in Delhi for major subjects like EngineeringMathematics, DSP, Digital system design, Microprocessor, Embedded systems etc. Tejas Engineers Academy offers highly expert level B.Tech coaching  in Delhi for above mentioned subjects. Are you working in Gurgaon, Noida,East Delhi,Delhi NCR  or some other far off place? Dont worry Tejas Engineers Academy has special arrangement of B.Tech coaching in Delhi on weekends. Tejas Academy offers Tutors job to Top level industry professionals and College professors. Special Tutorial classes are arranged for Numericals and concept clarification. The top level B.Tech coaching in Delhi by Tejas Academy is fully suported by written and printed notes. 

Friday, 8 July 2016

Tejas Engineers Academy provides B Tech coaching in Delhi with a special arrangement for outsider students.

More than 40% engineering students are doing B.Tech from colleges outside the Delhi. They stay in hostel or in pg and come to Delhi in summer and winter vacations. They have to do all the studies by themselves and they don’t get tuitions. When students studying outside Delhi accumulate one or more backlogs then it becomes very difficult for them to clear the subject, because they have to manage all the time for extra subject on themselves. Outsider students come to Delhi in vacations and search for B.Tech tuitions in Delhi. Problem with the outsider students is that they have to cover the entire syllabus in very less time. Many of the outsider student search B Tech coaching in Delhi by keeping time factor in their mind.

Tejas Engineers Academy provides B Tech coaching in Delhi with a special arrangement for outsider students. There are many universities outside Delhi in which syllabus is completely different and even books are not available in Delhi. Tejas Engineers Academy provides B Tech coaching in Delhi for outsider students having a database of all outside universities special books. Outside student used to search B Tech coaching in Delhi for taking help in their subject involving only numericals. Tejas Engineers Academy offers you B Tech coaching in Delhi by expert teachers with special focus on difficult numericals. 

Saturday, 2 July 2016 tuitions in delhi


B.Tech Tuitions in Delhi study


Various universities are conducting counseling for admission into first semester of engineering in different branches. First semester of engineering is very crucial in which students find it very difficult to clear. It because students are new to engineering studies, they are habitual of studying the school type of environment. Students soon find themselves in a course in which available time is less and there are many hurdles to clear. Mathematics and Physics are difficult subjects for students of first semester. Many students join B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for physics and mathematics for staying ahead in class. Engineering tuitions in Delhi are provided in areas like Subhash Nagar, Tilak Nagar, Lakshmi Nagar, Saket and Dwarka. B.Tech coahing classes of first semester are useful for first year students especially for Mathematics and Physics, If you are a first year student then you will be surprised to hear that B.Tech tuitions in Delhi are most needed these days. Colleges like IGDTU, IPU, MDU, MSIT, BVP etc have difficult study pattern and tough examination papers. Without B.Tech coaching in Delhi it will be difficult to score good marks. In most of the universities in and around Delhi there are plenty of engineering seats in most of the colleges. Even students those are very weak in mathematics may get admission into engineering degree. Such students finds it difficult to cope with the difficult examination papers of first semester. We are offering demo B.Tech tuition in Delhi for following courses and timings.


                                               Engineering  Mathematics

Time: 4 pm to 6 pm Saturday 9th July

Topics : Successive differential and Leibnitz theorem.


                                              Applied Physics

Time: 10 am to 12 pm Sunday 10th July

Topics: Applied optics : Newton Rings, Thin film, Wedge film etc.


If you are an engineering student searching for B.Tech tuitions in Delhi then you are invited to attend these demo classes.