Sunday, 29 April 2018

First Batch Crash Course For Engineering Tuitions

                Electrical Technology Engineering Tuitions
ET is one of the core subjects of Engineering for all branches of first semester engineering in Delhi. Tejas Engineers Academy offers Engineering tuitions in Delhi for Electrical Technology for both first semester as well as second semester for all major universities. Following is the schedule and details of ElectricalTechnology lecture in our institute.
Brief Details:- In this lecture we will cover Moving Coil, Moving Iron and dynamometer type of instruments.
Moving Iron instrument consists of a coil of copper having many turns. There is an iron spindle in front of the coil axis. Iron spindle is connected to weight to balance the spindle in equilibrium position. Iron spindle is also connected to a pointer which moves on a scale. Spindle is also connected to an air chamber provided with a piston. Purpose of air chamber is to provide air friction damping to the needle to avoid unnecessary oscillations of pointer.
When current is allowed to pass through the coil there exist a strong magnetic field along the axis of coil due to which iron spindle experiences magnetic attractive force towards the coil axis. When spindle moves towards the axis of coil, weight attached to the spindle provides gravitational controlling torque.
Amount of deflection produced is directly proportional to the square of electric current. Thus scale of the moving iron instruments is non uniform. Moving iron instruments are suitable for both ac as well as dc currents. Moving iron instruments are bulky in size and have high cost.

To know the more details of moving iron instruments we request you to attend our lecture for Engineering tuitions in Delhi in Tejas Engineers Academy

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Crash Starting For Engineering Subjects For B.Tech Students

Most of the solved and unsolved problems are from recent examination papers of leading universities in Delhi. Tejas Engineers Academy offers Engineering  tuitions in Delhi for all subjects by experienced college faculty members. Tejas Engineers Academy is a no.1 B.Tech tuition Institutes in Delhi for all major subjects like Applied Mathematics, Physics, Electronics and communication and computer science engineering. In most of the reputed B.Tech institutes of Delhi like NSIT and DTU level of examination paper is kept difficult. Semester time for study is also very less due to which engineering students are not able to find the ample amount of time for self study. Professor of such type of institutes demand greater amount of performance level from students. For NSIT and DTU students we offer specialized Engineering tuitions in Delhi. For such type of students it is also found that pattern of question paper doesn’t follows a particular book, instead it comes from the class notes and some leading research journals. We offer Engineering  tuitions in Delhi for such type of students in very effective manner. We Study their class notes and then provide them B.Tech tuition in very effective manner. Classes provided to such students are much helpful for them. In some cases students were not able to clear their degree in four years due to backlogs in many subjects. We offer Engineering tuition in Delhi to such students to clear the degree in minimum possible time. Jaskaran was a Engineering regular student of DTU who was not able to clear the degree in four year time due to backlogs in six subjects. We assured him to clear the subject in one year time. He cleared the degree in one year now he is working in reputed multinational company. Tejas Engineers Academy has developed specialized techniques to offer B.Tech tuition in Delhi to the students of reputed institute with difficult pattern of examination.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Free Demo Classes For B.Tech subjects Tuition

There were many expectations but more than 40% students get one or more backlogs.This year there was a strategy to check the papers strictly. Teachers were complaining that most of the students passing from university are not much qualified and they possess little technical knowledge. They were discussing that from this year onwards we will not take a chance and will teach them good lessons. We met one of the teacher who was saying that despite the fact that most of the students taking B.Tech tuitions in Delhi but still don’t know even how to differentiate x raised to the power n. Teacher also told us that there are many cases where students don’t even know the rules of simple algebra and plus minus. It’s a shame. We tell most of the poor students that do join some B.Tech tuition in Delhi for engineering maths but students are very lazy. We met one of the student after result, he was weeping that this year it was my third attempt to clear engineering maths for which I was taking tuition in Delhi from last six months. Student was saying that it was felt to everyone of us that teachers hanvent checked the answer sheets and filled marks directly. Student also told to us that he is from diploma background and took lateral entry in engineering in second year. He was not having the skills to do integration and differentiation. He said that, I joined B.Tech tuition in Delhi for engineering maths. It helped me to understand tough problems and due to which I was able to clear mathematics exam in first attempt. There are manyexamples in which students do very good paper but still they acquire backlog. Sometimes it comes in mind that teachers don’t even check the sheets and they directly give marks randomly. I explained one of the student that you can file RTI to check your answer sheet.

Monday, 2 April 2018

B Tech Maths Training In Delhi NCR

These days exams are running for B.Tech students of all streams and branches. Many students have prepared with hardwork and dedication for their final semester exams and are doing very well. During these exams some of the students have not prepared well, due to lack of time available due to late admission, or student understanding level not compatible with college faculty members. It is fact that there about 60 percent of the college faculty members taking most difficult subjects are freshers and not able to teach the subject in depth with lots of difficult problems. We cannot blame our students for not performing well in the exam, it is bout 60% responsibility of faculty members. To help Engineering students there are very less B.Tech tuition institutes available in Delhi. Most of them are located in east and west Delhi. Growing demand is coming from south Delhi, but less teachers are available.
 When any engineering student joins a B.Tech Tuition institute in Delhi, it gives him or her advantage from rest of his or her class students in many aspects. One of the advantage is that the teachers available in tuition institute is highly experienced of the pattern of question paper and he well knows about the important topics. It saves a lot of time of students. The other benefit is being aware of the tricks and tips for solving most difficult problems that a regular student avoids to do in self study. There are many concepts which a fresh faculty member of the college is just not able to cover in class room and that definitely comes in final exams. Tuition teachers generally have capabilities to crack such problem. The other benefit is that student himself or herself takes his studies seriously because of the psych effect that he or she has paid the amount. B.Tech tuition institutes located in west Delhi have prepared many notes in the form of pdf which they give students to cut short time of study and to boost the performance in writing theory questions in exams. There are many subject in MDU, IPU etc which these B.Tech tuition institutes in Delhi have identified in which most of the part is theoretical which students can crack by reading these notes. These are the points which any new student taking admission into Engineering college have to remember to bring himself in front line of the class result.