Saturday, 27 January 2018

Engineering Tuitions

Engineering tuitions in Delhi for IP University
For doing B.Tech IP University is considered to be one of the best in Delhi and NCR. It has 14 colleges for Engineering students. This year many 12th passout students have taken admission into first year of engineering, following points are worth to be noted.
Shortage of preparation time
Syllabus of subjects like Engineering maths, physics, or electrical technology in IP University Engineering is large enough. University prescribes a sessional exam after 6 week of study. Syllabus for first sessional exam consists of 6 chapters of mathematics-1. It is near impossible for any student to cover it by self study. On the basis of interview conducted by our executive with senior students it comes out that it is required to have B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for scoring good marks in first sessional. We also asked question of available time and almost everyone told that they got boost up in confidence by having Engineering tuitions in Delhi for Mathematics.

Sunday, 21 January 2018


Parveen Sir  is taking MPMC (Microprocessor and microcontroller) subject B Tech tuitions in Delhi from last 10 years. He is working as a faculty member in reputed university. Most of the students to find it difficult to understand the programming of microcontroller and microcprocessor and they start looking for B Tech tuitions in Delhi. Parveen Sir is expert in assembly language as well as C programming of the microcontroller and microprocessor and he explains the programming to students in very easy to understand language.

Microprocessor system is core subject of Electronics and CSE/IT engineering. It involves the study of Architecture of Microprocessor 8085 and 8086, peripheral devices and Assembly Language programming. Students find difficulty in understanding and writing programs in assembly language. Every year huge amount of students get backlog in this subject. If you take this subject lightly then you will not be able to prepare your final year project and will also find difficulty in clearing core company interview test. It is highly recommended to join the  B Tech  Tuitions  in Delhi of this subject.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Tejas Engineers Academy is launching special B. Tech tuitions batches of Engineering Mechanics and Maths 2.

Tejas Engineers Academy is launching special B.Tech tuitions batches of EngineeringMechanics and Maths 2.

 We are having batches of other difficult subjects like Theory of computation, Network Analysis and synthesis,Emft, Coa, Etc. B Tech tuitions in Delhi is available on Tejas Engineers Academy for almost all difficult subjects of even semester. We are covering universities like  Ipu, Mdu, Manipal, Galgotia, Jp university, Sharda university, Srm University, Amity university, Nsit, Dtu, Igdtu, Jamia, Students of first year are taking Mechanics and maths two b Techtuitions in Delhi from Tejas Engineer's Academy. We have highly experiencedfaculty with more thanks 15 years of experience. Rahul is our Regula student who took b tech first year tuition from us for both maths and electronics devices. He remained topper in his college. If  you are a first yearstudent who is seeking b. Tech tuitions in Delhi then we recommend that you must come to us. We will give you a free demo class. You can contact us on number 9899927912 to set up your class timings.

Friday, 5 January 2018

B Tech Coaching In Delhi

We are providing B Techcoaching in Delhi from last 10 years for all major subjects like, Physics, Engineering Mechanics, Maths, Analog Electronics, etc. We are giving batch coaching for engineering maths 2 for Ip University and MD University. We are starting batch coaching on Saturday and Sunday basis. We are starting batches of Maths two on 6th January 2018. We will be starting with partial differentiation for Ip University. Batch will be of Saturday and Sunday basis will be highly suitable for distant as well as nearby students. Duration of course is about three months. After the completion of course we will be doing revision and evaluation tests. Students going regularly to college do not show much interest in college lectures. This is due to the fact that most of the faculty members of college do not teach the subject effectively. They just teach like radio playing continuously. They do not give doubt sessions to students those who try to ask little problems. We are giving B Tech coaching in Delhi near subhash nagar metro station on Saturday Sunday basis to solve all the problems of mathematics and other subjects. It is also found that students that who live in paying guest and is outsider doesn’t get much attention by teachers. This is because they used to go to holidays in long weekends. They just miss two three lectures and teacher doenst like to entertain them. We have designed B Tech coaching in Delhi specifically for distant students living in hostels. We guarantee you the the best B Tech coaching in whole of Delhi, we challenge all our competitors to give a coaching better than us. We only teach engineering students. In most of the coaching centre, in Delhi, school batches are being run usually, but we have only engineering student batch only. We do not teach school level students. Dont go to such time pass teachers for all your B Tech coaching in Delhi requirements they are just fooling you by teaching you in their extra time after 9 pm. They will leave you when yours exams will come. We have many examples of such time pass teachers playing with the carreers of innocent engineering students. Don’t waste your time for B.Techcoaching in Delhi with such time pass teachers. They don’t have sufficient knowledge or experience to teach you engineering subjects. They are just fooling you to solve only simple problems in front of you. Try to ask two three difficult problems, they will get in puzzle or try to avoid or will give lecture to you that such problems will not come into exams. If you like to fix a demo class please call us 9899927912