B.Tech coaching in West Delhi
semester exams for various engineering colleges in and around Delhi is coming
this month. In May-2017 Universities like Delhi Technological university,
Inderprastha university, Kurushetra University, MD university haver announced
dates of final theory exams. In Delhi technological university many professors
are not following the prescribed syllabus. In Applied optics subject, only
first two units were taught in the whole semester, now professor is saying that
it is the final course. Students studying this subject are complaining that
professor has not followed the prescribed syllabus and we do not feel confident
in this subject. It will be a loss for us in respect to GATE exam pattern. Five
student reached us after first mid term exams held in Delhi technological
university and they were searching for B.Tech coaching in Delhi for Applied
optics subject. They told us that paper was very difficult, professor took
about three four classes and gave highly difficult numerical problems, we
though of joing some good B.Tech coaching in Delhi. We assured them that we are
involved in giving B.Tech coaching from last seven years and we will help them
in all possible ways. We started by analyzing their mid term paper. We told
them to bring about four years of previous papers. They brought all those
papers, after studying them we came to the B.Tech coaching plan for same
subject. We consulted all the books those were specified in the syllabus. Two
of the books were of cost about Rs 10000 on Amazon. But one of our faculty
member was associated with IIT Delhi Library, from where we were able to arrange
a reference copy for the same and then we gave notes from those books to
student. We collected all the previous year papers and extracted all the
numerical problems, and prepared a question bank of relevant problems for the
same. This is how we design our B.Tech coaching in Delhi for most difficult
subjects, that you will not be able to find anywhere else. We are helping the
students of NSIT, DTU, IIT Delhi, Manipal university, VTU etc where most
difficult pattern of the paper is followed. We put pressure on ourself and help
students to do preparation for the most difficult papers. To arrange a demo
class please contact us on number 9899927912