Monday, 6 July 2015

b tech coaching and B.Tech Tuitions in Delhi for ECE students

Electronics Engineering is one of the descent streams of engineering. First semester of ECE students have subjects like Applied Mathematics – 1, Applied chemistry, Applied Physics, Electronic Devices. Applied Mathematics involves chapters like: Matrices, Taylor series, Mc Laurin Series, Asymptotes and curve tracing, errors and approximation, multiple integrals, differential equations, partial differentiation etc. Students of first semester search B.Tech tuitions in Delhi above mentioned topics. B.Techtuitions in Delhi are also being searched for applied physics-1. Applied physics includes topics like Wave optics, Ray Optics, Newton Rings etc. These days question papers of subjects of B.Tech are coming with high difficulty level and hence it created a high demand of B.Tech tuitions in Delhi. Students take admission into B.Tech course after completing schooling and they are not familiar with the semester system. They find themselves into a totally different atmosphere where exams come at rapid speed. Institutes offer B.Tech tuitions in Delhi keeping in mind the problems encountered by engineering students.  Students don’t focus on the practice of subjects like mathematics, instead they focus on homework assignments etc. It provides a lack in the preparation for final semester examination. Need of B.Tech tuitions in Delhi arises because of the lack of interest in teaching by the engineering college faculty. Teachers in some of the engineering college are themselves new to the course and they lack the expertise in the subject. Tejas Engineers Academy provides B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for most of the subjects of ECE, CSE and IT.